Recover Abandoned Cart


Did you know 67.45% of online shopping carts are abandoned before the customer completes the sale? Which means your sales numbers may only be 1/3 of what they could potentially be. How much would your revenue increase if you were capturing those sales instead of losing them?

Recover sales from abandoned shopping carts with great-looking automated emails that sell

✔ Set and forget – Abandoned cart recovery emails are fully automatic. Choose when to send automated emails to customers who start the checkout process but don't finish it, and then start watching recovered sales roll in.

✔ Product images added automatically – Thumbnails of the actual item the customer has selected are automatically pulled through to the email, enticing the customer back to complete their purchase. Images can be the winning difference between a conversion and no sale at all.

✔ Checkout button – An effective call-to-action button takes customers direct to their cart, ready to complete their order.

✔ Add a 2nd follow up email – Want to give customers a little extra nudge? Add an optional 2nd automated abandoned cart recovery email.

✔ 100% measurable – Keep track of recovered carts and revenue earned through Recover My Cart's accurate reporting.

✔ Add a discount coupon code – Want to give customers an extra push to complete their order? Easily add a discount coupon code.

You work hard to get people to your store – Don't leave money on the table by ignoring your abandoned carts. Start recovering lost sales and increase your store’s revenue today

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart is a WooCommerce extension Plugin which will recover the abandoned carts and increase the sales. Cart Abandonment happens due to a variety of reasons and sending mail (with follow up mails) can be the best way to Recover Abandoned Carts which is exactly what this Plugin does. Recover Abandoned Cart monitors carts that are abandoned by Members and Guests to capture Abandoned Carts. It automatically sends mails using the mail templates at specified times to Recover the Abandoned Carts. You can insert the Cart link in the email. You can set up any number of mail templates for sending follow up mails. Advantage in having multiple mail templates at specified time durations is that you can send a first mail without coupon. If the Buyer doesn’t respond then you can send the follow up mail with coupon code. This will tempt the Buyer to make the purchase. The Buyer purchase is tracked using cookies. Recover Abandoned Cart works for both Members and Guests. For Members as soon as the products are added to Cart and then the Member leaves for some reason the Abandoned Carts will be captured. For Guests they will have to reach the step of inputting their Email Id in the Checkout Page and once the Email Id is entered the Abandoned Carts will be captured.

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